Friday, July 27, 2012

RAGBRAI 2012 Titos Style

Its RAGBRAI time again in Iowa.  It always occurs the third week of July.  This year marks the 40th anniversary of the event and it seems like it gets better every year. If you don't know what RAGBRAI is all about, CLICK HERE.

Billy particularly likes the ride.  He enjoys meeting people along the way.  Pulling him along in the iron lung is no simple task.  First of all he becomes a very heavy load on the uphill portions of the ride.  Anyone who does RAGBRAI will attest that Iowa is not flat.  The other logistics nightmare is keeping Billy cool.  With temps of over 100F this would be a challenge.  We are talking power packs, misters, and lots of batteries.  Consequently, we had to scratch Billy from the ride after we saw the forecast from a Conrad Johnson talkalike.  Probably was a good thing, because if we were doing the ride, we might not have bumped into the Tito's Girls.

The Tito's Girls transcended upon Parlor City Pub with cases of Tito's Handmade Vodka and they were passing it out like so much candy to babies.  This contingent of babes came out from Chicago to promote their spirits and promote they did. Billy immediately fell in love with Barbara, the Las Vegas Realtor by day and Bartender when called upon. (Billy wanted to be Facebook friends, but since Barbara has over 5000 friends already he has subscribed to her public status updates instead.)  After going through many bottles of the Handmade Loudmouth Soup, we were invited into the vintage Airstream trailer they use for their promotions. Eric, Tasha and Rosie were formidable hosts as they continued the hospitality.  Billy picked up a visor which he now wears constantly.

I wonder if Billy's landlord, Wally has a visor.  Wally is a big Tito's fan and has several cases tucked away, but alas, Wally quit drinking Vodka about 8 months ago.  I wonder what he is planning on doing with his stockpile?  I guess time will tell.  

Friday, June 29, 2012

Billy sometimes asks me about the good old days.  He loves to hear my stories.  The other day, while we were discussing the price of a cup of coffee I reminisced about when I was part of the good old boys network in Amana.  Pretty much every day except for Sunday, we would meet at the Colony Inn before our work day started.  Sort of an early FaceBook concept.  Of course Al Gore had not yet invented the internet so this was Face to Face networking.

On any given day you would see the likes of Paul Oehl, Art Baumgartel, Ramon Goerler, Bill Hess, Jake Roemig ,Paul Hursh,  Leonard Kloubec and me.  ( Click HERE for more info on Kloubec)   Of course there were others...some of them sporadic attendees and others who I have forgotten their name.

Walt Schuerer was the proprietor of the inn and dispensed the coffee to us.  Jake Roemig* was the owner of the building and that title gave him priority seating at the  head table.  He would shake his cane at anyone who  sat in his reserved seat announcing that "he owned the joint" and "so and so better find another place to sit".  It was always a hoot when one of the regulars brought someone new to the table and urged him to sit in that empty chair.  We looked forward to Jake coming in  to roust him from his perch.  Another benefit of being the building owner was that he received complimentary coffee for life.  However on the 3rd of every month, Jake would reach into his wallet and remove enough cash to pick up the tab.  You see , it was the third of the month....the day his Social Security check would arrive at the post office.   Since we were all working stiffs, he figured we were supplying his "paycheck" and thus lavishly rewarded us once each month.

Coffee was 25 cents per cup with unlimited refills.  Everyone, but Bill Hess would participate in a gambling game which had the loser pick up the tab for all the coffee.  Even if the place was packed with 10 guys the bill was only 2.50.....but Bill Hess chose to pay for his coffee with a shiny quarter prior to being seated.  This prepay maneuver  kept him safe from "the Flip".

Of all the names mentioned, only two remain....Walt Schuerer and me....Walt is 91 and doesn't move too fast any more......come to think about it......I don't move so fast anymore either.

* JACOB ROEMIG was born on 16 Jun 1893 in AMANA, IOWA. He died on 29 Aug 1975 in AMANA, IOWA

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Billy Wants a Tat

I stopped in to visit with Billy as I usually do at least once a week. Billy calls me Uncle Bruce. Maybe he calls me that because I am a frequent visitor to his two story walk up apartment or maybe its because I was serious with his aunt Regina for awhile a few years any rate I don't mind being referred to as Uncle Bruce.

Coincidentally, his Aunt Regina still shares their small apartment with Billy's mom and dad. My heart

flutters a little when I catch a glimpse of her.
Aunt Regina has a "tramp stamp" and now Billy wants a tat in also.

If any readers aren't familiar with "Tramp Stamps".. Click HERERegina"s tramp stamp is in the shape of handlebars.

Billy wants the logo for the Cincinnati Bengals for his
tat. You see the Bengals Logo is the letter "B" for Billy and it is done in his favorite and black.

The only one he knows with a link to Cincinnati is Bruce Hop. He calls him Uncle Bruce Number Two. So he has asked the Hopper to help him get the artwork for his tat.

Stay tuned.

What's this all about......

This is my lame attempt at blogging and so far I have been able to add posts almost every day......will that continue?........time will tell.

If you scroll way to the bottom you will see "It's all about me" This blog is about me and my friends and my life. Most of it is true.

Some of it is tongue in cheek and some of it is outrageous.

Read the parts you like...if you find something offensive skip over it. If you have any comments, praises or criticisms, email or leave comments...I can take it.
Mr. B

Click on any photo in a post to supersize it.

My Family Friend, Billy

Who is the Mystery Lady?

Mystery Lady

Mystery Lady
Who is this woman behind the Foster Grants?