Before Otto von Crippe worked at the Schlitz factory in Milwaukee he was in the service....US Army and spent some time in Germany. There he met the lady of his dreams, Marianne Schoenholzer. You see Marianne worked for the military and provided housing for officers abroad, It was when Otto was reassigned and needed housing when they first met. You could say it was love at first sight....well at least for Otto.
Marriane wanted nothing to do with him. She had heard from others in the commissary that Otto had a girlfriend back home in Wisconsin. Nuff said.
But Otto persisted and after two years, with the girlfriend dismissed, Marianne and he were dating. Otto being the consummate romantic, insisted they get married. It was a grand wedding. Otto spent his entire savings on the wedding. Okay in this day and age there are fancier weddings, but forty years ago this was a dandy.
Otto & Marianne Wedding |
But alas all good things must come to an end. After only 10 months of marriage, Otto and Marianne decided it was best they go there own ways. Otto got into the beer business after his discharge and Marianne stayed with the military until just last year when she moved to Florida with her black BMW 5 Series which she keeps spotless.
Since Marianne is Billy's step mom (its the Boy she never had) both she and I are on Billy's Facebook page and when she saw that I also had a property in Florida she contacted me via a Facebook message and we found out we were virtual neighbors. With the help of my GPS, I found out she was just a short drive from where I live. Small world !
Marianne at Work
Being a good German girl, Marianne proposed that I stop by for breakfast. Breakfast is my favorite meal so I took her up on her offer. Marianne's kitchen is big enough to feed an army. She had eggs, bratwurst, shinken, weinerschnitzel, kuchen, katofel und saft. For a short instance, I thought I was teleported to one of the colony restaurants back home. She even provided the morning paper. Thanks Marianne, and I will relay the message to Billy. I'm sure he will be excited to know.
Marianne's Kitchen |
Marianne Cooking |
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