Last night was the long awaited Christmas Parade in downtown Cedar Rapids. Billy has been laying in
anticipation of this event. After all, who doesn't like a parade.
We wanted to get a good vantage point so we started out at the Dublin. The usual wags were there and a table of extras were there from the Sip...I suspect The Sip had a bomb scare or something like that. We settled in for a little fortification before the parade, but the smoke was excruciating and Billy can not tolerate any more second hand smoke. Also there were bunches of little street urchins running around and taunting Billy.
We very swiftly exited the front door and rolled him into Zins. Zins is very Billy friendly because it is a no smoking facility and the staff is always happy to see us. They remembered us from our last visit and ushered us to the bar where we could get a view of the parade through the windows.
Lisa the Beverage Manager was busy cleaning the glassware while Mr Pizza gave specific instructions for the making of a "Funnie". It wasn't long and Billy was asking for a better look. We brought along an empty Schlitz case which was on the front porch of the von Crippe residence so that we could prop up the head end of the lung so Billy could see better.
We went outside only to run into Jeff and Anne his social workers, who had
just completed dinner at Vins.
Billy loved all the lights and the and was noticeably excited when the entry with Oprah and a presidential candidate, whose name escapes me, went by in the Caddy convertible. Billy loves Oprah and all she stands for.
After the parade Billy was hungry and we decided to go to the Moose for the Friday night ribs only to be disappointed that they had been discontinued. It must of been antler night at the Moose because a lot of the patrons were so adorned. As we were perusing the menu Kenny appeared through the front door. This was an unusual sighting as Kenny is in the witness protection program...oooops I'm sorry if I outed him. I'm not too worried. Kenny doesn't stay in any one place for any length of time.
We stopped by the end booth to give birthday wishes to someone who was celebrating a little early and then united the Leo twins.
We never did get around to ordering any food, but Billy had accumulated lots of candy from the parade and he sustained himself on all the sweets for the ride home.
Fun and Games
13 years ago