The post caucus blues and or just dosen't matter. Its causes people to do strange things. People are now watching television again due to the fact that the political ads are virtually gone...I say virtually as I heard a Ron Paul ad yesterday....go figure.
Another strange sighting...the Puzzler slurping copious amounts of Tequila. This is strange just for the fact that his tastebuds have been shot for years. He can't tell the difference between a onion and a apple, gin or vodka, sugar & get the idea. There he was at Randyland with this fishbowl of a Margarita in front of him.
Another strange seemed like it was New Years Eve or the end of WWII at Times Square with all the smooching going on. Maybe there was a full moon.
Billy's financial Guru, Sylvia was there with her color corodinated eyewear. Billy's hair stylist (Only for photo ops), Stephie stopped by to say "hi".
After there were no more Margaritas to be had; it was determined that some food was in order and since the door to the Diner on First is barricaded (we suspect there must be a hostage situation in progress) we zoomed over to Who's On First, where the Puzzler had reserved a private smoke free and noise free room for us. We had our own dedicated personal server, Amanda. Amanda is studying to be a barrister and has a gift of gab...actually she should be in direct sales....maybe alluminum siding or us
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Post Caucus Partum
Posted by
Bruce Eichacker
8:04 AM
Labels: Moose McDuffys, Who's On First
Friday, January 4, 2008
Iowa Caucus
I went to the Republican Caucus last night whilst sending Mystery lady across the aisle to the other side. You see I can't be in two places at the same time. I asked her to take notes and I picked her brain when she got home.
I didn't realize you could have brought your kids along or I would have parked Billy in the back of the room. At least that way I could have parked in a handicap space. The parking lot was'd have thought the Buckeyes were playing football in the gymnasium. By the way they did have some youngsters practicing football in the gymnasium of our Middle school precinct. I guess thats acceptable, since it is a school first.
The GOP started the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States. I know the words well as that is how we begin our weekly meeting of the Ex Club. Somehow it just wasn't the same though....I just can't put my finger on it though. The Godless Dems...dispensed with that time waster as they had more important business at hand.
We quickly "elected" a couple of delegates to the upcoming county meeting and then got to the business of voting for certain candidates. We passed a donation box and most of the GOP's in the room took out a handful of ones and wrapped it with a C note so Benjamin Franklin was in view when you dropped your donation. (Bloggers note: The Dems did not pass the hat and they had better food... they must have a government program in place working for them!)
The chairman asked if any one had something to say about each candidate and several had no one to speak for them. McCain, Romney and Fred had plants in the audience. Amazingly there was no one to speak about the "Huckster".
Here is the unofficial count as I recorded the numbers. I say it was unofficial as this was by a show of hands and some people would lower their hands and others held up both hands....sort of the hanging chad of Iowa.
Mitt = 29
McCain = 12
Fred - 19
Huck = 8
R. Paul = 7
Rudy = 5
Did you notice that Rudy got the least votes. I'm not sure why.... one of the factors could have been that our chairman did not know how to pronounce his last name...also no one spoke for him.
After the clerk with the clipboard announced the numbers Rudy's total was 10. We now had to revote and the number 5 was deemed correct. I told my table mates it must have been a New York count. I promptly replaced my Romney sign with one of Rudy's.
Since we are in Iowa's Iowa County, you would have thought we would have been representative of the now publicized results.
This whole process would have been over by 7:30 had we not been required to offer 'planks" to the platform. This process seemed to be a little more tenuous that actually picking the potential nominee.
As it turned out, I stayed till the end...the mystery lady left while they were still eating cookies, bon bons, shrimp cocktail, caviar and kibitzing and I was still home 40 minutes earlier. Its great to be with the GOP. God Bless.
Posted by
Bruce Eichacker
7:44 AM
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Billy and Billy
Billy reads the Gazette...mostly the funnies. Sometimes he reads the classifieds and tries to figure out the Puzzler's Wuzzles. Today he saw that Bill Clinton was going to be in Amana and he called me to see if I would take him to the event. He loves Bill Clinton...he is his hero....ever since that episode with Monica. We were all set to go when the regulator on the the lung blew a seal and it was just too risky to take him in view of the -8 degrees wind chill. Billy was heartbroken.
We went without him and somehow lucked out to get 3rd row seats. No metal detectors, no wanding...just walk right in with your bulky winter coat and get within 15 feet of the former President. I thought the security was way lax.
Mr. C arrived by driving his GMC SUV right into the building. A young lady came through the curtains first. She looked a lot like Chelsea and the guy sitting next to me asked if it was Chelsea...I told him it was just a loud enough voice to raise a chuckle amongst the throngs of liberals that I was surrounded by. Notables in the crowd were BS, who was copiously taking mental notes about her new health insurance and wondering what that electronic health card would look like. Some Obama spies were spied as well. Absent was RC, who usually gets there early for a front row seat. Dixie, Billy's landlady, was no where to be seen, she probably was at home re-writing the von Crippe lease.
The secret service was focused on the crowd and had probably heard the story before anyway. I now know for sure how he got the name "Slick Willie".
I'm Mr. Bruce and I have approved this message.
Posted by
Bruce Eichacker
7:34 PM
Monday, December 31, 2007
2007 That was the Year that WAS
This will be my last post for 2007.....but rest assured there will be a few more in 2008. Thanks to all my friends for making this the most watched blog in Amana. Billy appreciates your support and looks forward to meeting you in person someday.
Posted by
Bruce Eichacker
3:41 PM
Labels: Amana
What's this all about......
If you scroll way to the bottom you will see "It's all about me" This blog is about me and my friends and my life. Most of it is true.
Some of it is tongue in cheek and some of it is outrageous.
Read the parts you like...if you find something offensive skip over it. If you have any comments, praises or criticisms, email or leave comments...I can take it.
Mr. B
My Family Friend, Billy
Who is the Mystery Lady?
Mystery Lady

Who is this woman behind the Foster Grants?