Saturday, January 5, 2008

Post Caucus Partum

The post caucus blues and or just dosen't matter. Its causes people to do strange things. People are now watching television again due to the fact that the political ads are virtually gone...I say virtually as I heard a Ron Paul ad yesterday....go figure.

Another strange sighting...the Puzzler slurping copious amounts of Tequila. This is strange just for the fact that his tastebuds have been shot for years. He can't tell the difference between a onion and a apple, gin or vodka, sugar & get the idea. There he was at Randyland with this fishbowl of a Margarita in front of him.

Another strange seemed like it was New Years Eve or the end of WWII at Times Square with all the smooching going on. Maybe there was a full moon.

Billy's financial Guru, Sylvia was there with her color corodinated eyewear. Billy's hair stylist (Only for photo ops), Stephie stopped by to say "hi".

After there were no more Margaritas to be had; it was determined that some food was in order and since the door to the Diner on First is barricaded (we suspect there must be a hostage situation in progress) we zoomed over to Who's On First, where the Puzzler had reserved a private smoke free and noise free room for us. We had our own dedicated personal server, Amanda. Amanda is studying to be a barrister and has a gift of gab...actually she should be in direct sales....maybe alluminum siding or used cars.


Gary Black said...

It's a shame that the Pizza Baron and his wife were unable to attend.

Bruce Eichacker said...

They were probably rolling in dough.

What's this all about......

This is my lame attempt at blogging and so far I have been able to add posts almost every day......will that continue?........time will tell.

If you scroll way to the bottom you will see "It's all about me" This blog is about me and my friends and my life. Most of it is true.

Some of it is tongue in cheek and some of it is outrageous.

Read the parts you like...if you find something offensive skip over it. If you have any comments, praises or criticisms, email or leave comments...I can take it.
Mr. B

Click on any photo in a post to supersize it.

My Family Friend, Billy

Who is the Mystery Lady?

Mystery Lady

Mystery Lady
Who is this woman behind the Foster Grants?