I went to the Republican Caucus last night whilst sending Mystery lady across the aisle to the other side. You see I can't be in two places at the same time. I asked her to take notes and I picked her brain when she got home.
I didn't realize you could have brought your kids along or I would have parked Billy in the back of the room. At least that way I could have parked in a handicap space. The parking lot was
full.....you'd have thought the Buckeyes were playing football in the gymnasium. By the way they did have some youngsters practicing football in the gymnasium of our Middle school precinct. I guess thats acceptable, since it is a school first.
The GOP started the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States. I know the words well as that is how we begin our weekly meeting of the Ex Club. Somehow it just wasn't the same though....I just can't put my finger on it though. The Godless Dems...dispensed with that time waster as they had more important business at hand.
We quickly "elected" a couple of delegates to the upcoming county meeting and then got to the business of voting for certain candidates. We passed a donation box and most of the GOP's in the room took out a handful of ones and wrapped it with a C note so Benjamin Franklin was in view when you dropped your donation. (Bloggers note: The Dems did not pass the hat and they had better food... they must have a government program in place working for them!)
The chairman asked if any one had something to say about each candidate and several had no one to speak for them. McCain, Romney and Fred had plants in the audience. Amazingly there was no one to speak about the "Huckster".
Here is the unofficial count as I recorded the numbers. I say it was unofficial as this was by a show of hands and some people would lower their hands and others held up both hands....sort of the hanging chad of Iowa.
Mitt = 29
McCain = 12
Fred - 19
Huck = 8
R. Paul = 7
Rudy = 5
Did you notice that Rudy got the least votes. I'm not sure why.... one of the factors could have been that our chairman did not know how to pronounce his last name...also no one spoke for him.
After the clerk with the clipboard announced the numbers Rudy's total was 10. We now had to revote and the number 5 was deemed correct. I told my table mates it must have been a New York count. I promptly replaced my Romney sign with one of Rudy's.
Since we are in Iowa's Iowa County, you would have thought we would have been representative of the now publicized results.
This whole process would have been over by 7:30 had we not been required to offer 'planks" to the platform. This process seemed to be a little more tenuous that actually picking the potential nominee.
As it turned out, I stayed till the end...the mystery lady left while they were still eating cookies, bon bons, shrimp cocktail, caviar and kibitzing and I was still home 40 minutes earlier. Its great to be with the GOP. God Bless.
Fun and Games
13 years ago
Hey, Mr. Bruce! Billy's godfather told me (GODMOTHER) that you weren't going to caucus. I am so, so proud of you!
Our preciinct in Cedar Rapids had a record turn-out - 220 people crammed into a church basement room, with lots of remooving tables and putting in more chairs to accommodate the crowd. I think the chairs came from up in the church worship area.
We were full of worship this night for the whole political process. It was fun and educational - we had speakers for each GOP candidate, and they were all well-spoken and articulate, even the guy who jumped out of the audience to speak for Ron Paul, as no one else was there to represent him.
Hey, let's do this again in four years! But, I don't want all the phone calls.
Carol, Billy's Best Godmom
I'm enjoying catching up on your blog, Uncle Bruce. Glad you had fun at the caucuses!
Thanks for looking. and Billy says "thank you, too.
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