Who loves Billy in Reston, Va? A few months ago I subscribed to a page counter which spews out all kinds of facts and figures. It tells me how many of the blog visitors are returning visitors and how many are first time visitors. It also tells me how long they stay on my blog, yada yada yada.
For instance when we went to Dr. O's for dinner I mentioned the Bombay Gin and all of a sudden I was receiving hits from India.....but I digress.
It seems bBilly has a fan in Reston as there have been frequent visits from , I assume one user otr a family. Could Billy have a relative in Reston? Could it secretly be Brian Kilmeade from his weekend home?
Reston....please leave a comment below. We will be taking Billy on the road this spring and plan on making some special visits. We know you are out there.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Good Morning Reston Virginia
Posted by
Bruce Eichacker
1:28 PM
Labels: Brian Kilmeade, Reston VA
Friday, January 18, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Trivia at the Moose
I had to go to the Moose tonight...because I missed last night. You see ....last night I had to take Billy to the special Olympics in Dubuque. The Hopper was mad and so was the Puzzler because I told them I would be there. But Billy rang up my cell phone and told me about the Olympics and how he woul
d be real good in the luge event......Well we headed for Dubuque.....actually it isn't a bad ride with the divided highway and all and we were looking forward to the sledding and all.......well i t all took place indoors and to say Billy was disappointed would we a huge understatement. We trucked home ...mostly in silence as Billy had the headphones "glued" to his ears most of the way, whilst trying to figure out the latest Wuzzle book.
I digress....So tonight I was able to go to Randyland aka the Moose.....The Hopper didn't show because he can only do one night in a row. Actually it is mostly unknown that the Hopper is a gourmet chef. He spends his free evenings glued to the Food Network. I suspect he was home preparing a soufflé. The Puzzler, a new spousal member of Elmcrust had to do a tour of the facility.....like he didn't know how to find the rest
room or bar.....he was at both of them this noon.
Bernalidio and Deb were there....so was Big Al the Vegas odds maker. Also present was Electric Brian and Tom the interior decorator.....but my camera was in the car at that time.
I am a direct descendant of Christian Metz...the founder of the Amana Community in Iowa. He was the charismatic leader who become inspired from time to time and I am a lot like him in that respect. At certain times I become inspired to do a post to my blog and when Randy took charge of the group and suggested various trivia topics and started buying rounds of drinks....I became inspired and took note with mental record
ing and digital
Jack the pill pusher was there, as was Rich the mortgage broker. Kirk the former roofer and Lowell in search of a recliner...made the round circle. the first trivia question was , "If you could party with any celebrity, who would you like to party with?" Mortgage broker began with Chicago....the band ...not the city and soon the rules committee established that it had to be individuals. Next the question came up as to whether living or dead.......it was determined that one or two dead people could be included. It should be noted that the cell phones were humming in an effort to get the trivia answers.
Andrea, the Moose's newest and very adept barkeep, kept us well watered and we were ready for more trivia.
The new categories included, "If you were in the center seat of an airliner and had to choose your two sidekicks for a lengthy flight, who would they be?" We also had a long animated discussion relating to Andy Griffith. Where was Steve Smid when we needed him?
Here are the answers...you make up your own hypothetical. Tom Cruise, Sean Connery, Anna Nicole Smith, Charlie Gibson, Burt Reynolds, Jack Nicolson, Hugh Heffner, Hillary Clinton, Alan Greenspan, Diane Sawyer, Dominica Davis, Alisyn Camerato, Courtney Friel, Julie Banderas, Tiger Woods...........
Posted by
Bruce Eichacker
8:17 PM
Labels: Amana, Bernaldio, Brian Kilmeade, Christian Metz, Hopper, Moose McDuffys, The Puzzler
What's this all about......
If you scroll way to the bottom you will see "It's all about me" This blog is about me and my friends and my life. Most of it is true.
Some of it is tongue in cheek and some of it is outrageous.
Read the parts you like...if you find something offensive skip over it. If you have any comments, praises or criticisms, email or leave comments...I can take it.
Mr. B
My Family Friend, Billy
Who is the Mystery Lady?
Mystery Lady

Who is this woman behind the Foster Grants?