Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Fun with Billy
Even though it says on the blog that I have one "follower". Thank you Debra. There are a lot more of you out there. I know this because you have indicated to me that you check daily for new content. Its been awhile since I have posted something new about Billy.
I have received some phone calls concerned about his welfare. Some of you even thought he may have "passed". I am here to put that rumor to an end right now. Billy is alive but he is not well. You see he never has been well...but he is alive.
Just today I took him out for a sleigh ride. He wanted to go to the Amana Hills which the locals will remember is the quintessential location to go sledding. Billy needs to take with him the power pack and that adds considerably to the load. I'm 60 years old ( I know I don't look it) and I'm not up for lugging the lung to the top of the hill just to give him a push and do it all over again.
I grabbed my "zippfilmitz" and a pair of Snookie Sponar's old welding goggles and we were off to Billy's house. You can see a view of his house by clicking here. The Walkie Talkies had a full charge so communication would be intact between the pilot and the passenger. I still have about 30 feet of rope from my mom's old clothes line and we removed the wheels and legs of the lung ........presto ...instant luge. We tied it to the back for my Mercedes 4 Matic ( as you know the Hummer is gone) and we were off on our ride.
Billy thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon, even when we took the corner by the Ronneburg a little too fast and he "whipped" out into the lane of an oncomming car...hey it wasn't that close!
The lung really wasnt insulated that well and after about an hour Billy lamented that he was afraid the same thing would happen to him as what happended to my brass monkey and I knew it was time to get his home.
I'm sure when Billy warms up he will be bugging me to do it again. I'll just have to remember to take my camera next time.
Posted by
Bruce Eichacker
11:36 AM
Labels: sleigh ride
What's this all about......
If you scroll way to the bottom you will see "It's all about me" This blog is about me and my friends and my life. Most of it is true.
Some of it is tongue in cheek and some of it is outrageous.
Read the parts you like...if you find something offensive skip over it. If you have any comments, praises or criticisms, email or leave comments...I can take it.
Mr. B
My Family Friend, Billy
Who is the Mystery Lady?
Mystery Lady

Who is this woman behind the Foster Grants?