We start the beginning of summer by removing the winter cover from the backyard pool. Its always a joyous event unless you remove the cover to expose the stagnant water and it is as dark as a cup of java. Thank God we had some milk left over.
After a few days of vacuuming the pool without being able to see the bottom, we dump in 8 gallons of liquid chlorine and decide to head to Dr. O's for one of their signature barbecues. We are picked up my Billy's landlords in their shiny new Pissat and Billy is left behind. ( The PenTac mover could have accommodated the lung but I think Billy would have gotten car sick.) But I digress.
Billy's landlord has been labeled at Wally the Weaver by my second wife and the DOT went to a lot of expense installing warning strips along Hiway 151 so that he can make it home safely. Click this link in the Urban Dictionary.
With Wally at the wheel we do make it to the O Ranch inspite of a few outbursts from the back seat navigators. ( Evidently they were not aware that my BlackBerry had a Garmin Nav application which directed us to the front door.
We were met in the drive way by the lanky head of the household, Craig...a tall Swede whose long arms allow him to build storage high in the garage. He
actually has to special order all of his shirts because the stores in Iowa don't stock his size. He says the stores in Minnesota are a better option due to their Nordic population. You would think that he would use those long arms to help his wife dig out the Grey Goose so that we could satisfy our thirsts. But no.......... the height challenged lady is required to precariously climb a chair and with the help of a wire coat hanger, retrieve the "see through" beverage along with the single malt scotch which would be needed for after dinner sipping with our cigars.
You see the reason we were invited to dinner in the first place is because we were the intermediaries in the recent purchase of their Winnnebago Motorhome. You could say we were there for the Fore Play so it was only natural that we should be there for the consummation of the deal. You see the Dr. and her husband have carefully calculated the the remaining time left on this earth and plan to spend their last dollar on the day they will enter the state supported (Thanks to Obama) retirement home. Could an MGB be far behind?
Their barbecues are a smorgasbord of entrees which would put most restaurants to shame. After a tour of Dr. O's walkin closet ( actually a requirement if you want to find the loo) the after dinner conversation turned to solving lots of problems.
We were also treated to a great impersonation of a signature walk that went so fast my camera was not able to record. Actually confidentiality requirements forbid me to disclose anything else.
As always, the 8 passenger hottub was a welcome close to an enchanted evening. Again my camera was confiscated at the the entrance to their deck...so use your imagination here.
The much bigger question is who is Dave?
Fun and Games
13 years ago