Not too long ago, I decided to shake things up a bit. Billy says I ought to have my name in lights. Billy like the fact that I am on his side when it comes to keeping him alive. Needless to say, I am his hero. I am his favorite insurance guy.
So Billy suggested I do something to make a statement. We represent Allied , a Nationwide Company and they are known for their "on Your Side" tagline. You may have seen their employees on television explaining how they were on your side.
I thought it would be fun to be on my side. My first concept idea was to have me laying on the office floor with a tipped over chair at my side. Billy saw it a little different and suggested I do the Burt Reynolds Cosmopolitan pose. Well since I am the cosmopolitan type, it was a natural...well as natural as you can be with clothes on.
Well here, submitted for your approval or disapproval...hey I can take the board. The billboard can be sighted on Highway 151 near Fairfax Iowa.
All you locals get used to it because I signed a year contract. After the year is up, I get the artwork. Billy thinks if should go somewhere cool. Any ideas?