Thursday, October 31, 2013

Hopper 70 and the Fall Out the next day.....

The Hopper was turning 70 on September 19th and he decided to throw a party for himself and 70 of his closest friends.  The event was at Elmcrust where he has a membership.

We decided to take the Phaeton as it will pass anything but a gas station, but with a full tank we made it there in time to spare before the cocktail hour expired.  Billy was in the back seat playing with all the controls available to him.  He particularly like the air conditioned and massaging seats of the Phaeton 4 place  LWB Sedan.  He had the seat fully reclined and was hooked up to his portable respirator.

He was so comfortable we kept him in the car while we went inside to partake of the event.

As we were approaching the country club we were listening to babbling  Bob Bruce and they broke in to his show with a weather alert advised the potential for 60 mph winds.  I queried the mystery lady about the safety of our deck umbrella in the event the wind should develop.  She confirmed what I was afraid of, that the umbrella was standing tall.  I had visions of another broken umbrella when we would come home.

After some libations and  and other nourishment we decided to head home and did not even inquire about the umbrella.  You see, by the time we got Billy all tucked in at his two story walk up we were tuckered and ready to turn in ourselves.

However, when the sun arose the next morning the damage was evident.  Not only did the umbrella and table crash but in so doing, knocked away a section of  the rail to the deck. Okay some more property damage to repair and replace at least there was no bodily injury.  That morning I up-righted the table and disposed of the umbrella and it was off to work as usual.

I came home to grill something for lunch and absent-mindedly  braced myself on the rail which was dangling  by a thread. Immediately I knew that was a mistake as I started my dissent to the cold hard pavers below.

I picked myself up and worked my way to the downstairs bathroom where I took off all my clothes and jumped in the shower to clean the wounds,  I  was bleeding from the right forehead, left knee and left middle finger.  That didn't go so well and after gazing in the mirror discovered that a bandaid was not going to do the job.  I put on a few articles of clothing and drove my self to the doctor.  A team of gawkers examined me in the emergency room at the clinic and very quickly decided I need an ambulance ride to the ER.

After the EMTs had me loaded in the ambulance I convinced them to stop by my house so I could have my smartphone or you all wouldn't have all these pictures to look at.

Twelve stitches to the head and five in my knee, a CT scan of my head (which found nothing) and and X ray of my knee and we were heading home about six hours later.

I spoke with The Hopper (before my fall) and asked him about attendance numbers for his party. He was shooting for 70 to match his age.......he told me that the actual count was 69....little did he know it was actually 70 after all as Billy was there in the parking lot participating through his smart phone and taking it all in.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Marianne Schoenholzer

Before Otto von Crippe worked at the Schlitz factory in Milwaukee he was in the service....US Army and spent some time in Germany.   There he met the lady of his dreams, Marianne Schoenholzer.  You see Marianne worked for the military and provided housing for officers abroad,  It was when Otto was reassigned and needed housing when they first met.  You could say it was love at first sight....well at least for Otto.

Marriane wanted nothing to do with him. She had heard from  others in the commissary that Otto had a girlfriend back home in Wisconsin. Nuff said.

But Otto persisted and after two years, with the girlfriend dismissed, Marianne and he were dating. Otto being the consummate romantic, insisted they get married.  It was a grand wedding.  Otto spent his entire savings on the wedding.  Okay in this day and age there are fancier weddings, but forty years ago this was a dandy.

Otto & Marianne Wedding
But alas all good things must come to an end.  After only 10 months of marriage, Otto and Marianne decided it was best they go there own ways.  Otto got into the beer business after his discharge and Marianne stayed with the military until just last year when she moved to Florida with her black BMW 5 Series which she keeps spotless.
 Since Marianne is Billy's step mom (its the Boy she never had) both she and I are on Billy's Facebook page and when she saw that I also had a property in Florida  she contacted me via a Facebook  message and we found out we were virtual neighbors.  With the help of my GPS, I found out she was just a short drive from where I live.  Small world !
Marianne at Work

Being a good German girl, Marianne proposed that I stop by for breakfast.  Breakfast is my favorite meal so I took her up on her offer.  Marianne's  kitchen is big enough to feed an army.  She had eggs, bratwurst, shinken, weinerschnitzel, kuchen, katofel und saft. For a short instance, I thought I was teleported to one  of the colony restaurants back home.  She even provided the morning paper.  Thanks Marianne, and I will relay the message to  Billy.  I'm sure he will be excited to know.

Marianne's Kitchen
Marianne Cooking

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Sessions

Wow ...its almost been six months since I reported on Billy.  Not because I have such a busy schedule, but mostly because Billy has been secretive about what he has been doing. More about that later,

About two months ago Billy asked me to take him to a movie.  This, in and of itself, is a bit of an undertaking, especially during the cold winter months.  There is so much more to transporting the iron lung and keeping Billy warm in the process.

Billy had heard about this movie from Bob Arnold who apparently had seen it and highly recommended it. You see the movie is about a kid living in an iron lung who wants to lose his virginity.  Click HERE for a link to the movie. Helen Hunt is the professional sex surrogate.

Well I loaded up Billy in my new crossover SUV and we were off to Cedar Rapids to see the movie.   I guess it would be prudent of me to read the theatre listings more carefully as there was only one showing on this particular day and we missed it.

Now what......going shopping was out of the question.  The library is still under construction and the roller skating rink just depresses him.

Billy said he would like to go to a strip club.  I was a little shocked at his request but considering the subject matter of the movie, I guess it was a good alternative.  I called his mom to seek permission and his aunt Regina answered the phone.  She gave us the "go ahead" in a New York second and we were off to a Gentleman's Club to satisfy my friend Billy.  (Actually I didn't mind the assignment either).

I didn't want to take him to a totally nude so called "Juice Bar" because I thought we should ease into this, being it was his first time and we chose the topless bar in town which shall remain nameless.

Lo and behold it was "Kid's Day" at the club so we fit in quite well.  Of course you still needed to be of legal age to drink alcoholic beverages, but we weren't there for the drinks if you are picking up what I'm putting down.

Immediately Billy was smitten by this spinner named Rachael.  She appeared to be of Hispanic descent , but the jury is still out on that.  If she removes her 5 " stiletto heels , she might stand all of five foot......but we never saw her with her shoes off.

To say that she is a charmer would be an understatement.  She charmed the socks off of me and I was just the messenger.  Like I say, Billy is smitten.  Every time I go to visit him , he asks when can I take him back to that club so that he can see Rachael again.........Like I said, its not such a bad assignment, so sometime in 2013, I foresee a roadtrip in Billy's future. Stand by for the follow up report.

Sometimes you have to wonder how Billy's life would have changed had we gone
to the movie instead.  Or Not!

What's this all about......

This is my lame attempt at blogging and so far I have been able to add posts almost every day......will that continue?........time will tell.

If you scroll way to the bottom you will see "It's all about me" This blog is about me and my friends and my life. Most of it is true.

Some of it is tongue in cheek and some of it is outrageous.

Read the parts you like...if you find something offensive skip over it. If you have any comments, praises or criticisms, email or leave comments...I can take it.
Mr. B

Click on any photo in a post to supersize it.

My Family Friend, Billy

Who is the Mystery Lady?

Mystery Lady

Mystery Lady
Who is this woman behind the Foster Grants?