We got up early and trekked to the Carver- Kinnick Arena so Billy could watch his Buckeyes. People who are not familiar about iron lungs probably can't appreciate the situation. People in the know, known as "lungers" will understand.
When we left the house, the weather was mostly cloudy and misting. We had to hook up the battery pack and auxiliary heater. If you are not a lunger, you probably don't know that Billy is naked inside. The insulation value is not that good and auxiliary heat is always welcome. We usually allow Billy to have his favorite blanket. The blanket is actually a shop worn fender cover with a Rolls Royce logo on it and it is "construction pylon orange" in color. Its not very thick, but the main purpose of the blanket/fendercover is for modesty. Being in his predicament usually draws some gawkers and now that Billy is approaching puberty, he values the blanket even more.
As we roll onto the tailgate paddock we are dodging young football star wannabees throwing a football back in forth. I suppose they think there is some sport scout amongst the throngs of partiers that make the last Mardi Gras look like a high school cakewalk. Thank God for alcohol ...it makes it all so much more tolerable. I suspect these are all inner city youths or else they would go in their own backyards to throw that football.
One of the early Marti Gras people we encounter is Peter. Peter is a food connoisseur and cigar aficionado. He no only gets the magazine but actually has the goods. He offers me I Cuban and I fire up a stogie, being careful not to let any of the smoke waft over to Billy. Steve and his wife Jerry are also in the loop and they came just for the tailgate affair because they couldn't stand the massacre that was destined inside the arena. Peter and Steven are both Ex Club wags as are a lot of the others we encounter both before and after the game.
Randy is there from the Moose McDuffys with at least one "Moosette" in tow. We do miss the old Moosemobile setting there like it was ready to mount the next passing Miss Moose. That is after all, where I met dear Regina.
There was the Hopper and his latest Mrs, Dick & Sherry and the rest of their tailgate consortium. As always, they were most generous with their spirits, food and outerwear.
The Hopper has know Billy for quite a while and is trying to convert Billy from the Buckeyes to the Boston Red Sox. He even got a Red Sox bumper sticker and displayed it predominately on the lung. The Hopper is loaded and Billy secretly hopes that maybe he is in his will and his life will turn around.
We head for the game in a light drizzle and are thankful we remembered the 3 in 1 oil. We don't want to have that thing freeze up again like the tin man in the Wizzard of Oz.
After schlepping Billy up to Row 61, we settle down to watching the game. The guy next to us had a big bucket of popcorn, but it was obvious he was not sharing. [You can read about the game in the Gazette]
As we rolled back to the Hummer, dodging more football wannabees we reflected upon the day and knew it was time to go. You see the Diehard was about to give up.
Fun and Games
13 years ago
Oh, Billie! I am SO glad you got to see the Iowa Buckeyes play and WIN! You must have been very happy, inside your lunger, because we all were freezing outside.
Ask Daddy Bruce to take you to some AWAY games. He can afford the gas in that Hummer and he can stop along the way and buy more Diehard batteries. Again, he can afford it.
Your Foster Mom (I think), Carol
BTW Bruce sports is my life. They won the game but I'm sure you were too busy taking care of oiling the iron lung to notice.
We had 50 yard line seats comped to Billy in row 61 from Peter and George Durin. Everyone knows the outcome if they follow the buckeyes.
Mr. B
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