Life in an iron lung sucks. The view is always the same. Ceilings are boring. Oh, occasionally there will be an interesting spider web formation which can amuse you for an all too short of time. Also crown moldings can be entertainment that most people don't understand. The utilization of a mirror is novel and provides some relief...but after a while you catch on...its all smoke ( from Otto, Priscilla and Great grannies Raleigh's) and mirrors.
I mentioned that Billy likes to watch Desperate Housewives and he also likes American Idol and Dancing with the Stars. I suppose he lives vicariously through the people on the shows. It is only natural that he would also live vicariously through me and my friends and my reports to him of the goings on.
Well last night was American Idol, Desperate Housewives and Dancing with the Stars all combined. It was the first annual Ex Club Valentine's Ball at the big casino. We were concerned that the ride home might be dicey due to the inclement weather which was forecast. Well it was only rain...this mistake would have not happened if Conrad Johnson were at the controls...but I digress.
We began the event with some fortification at the residence of the Bickersons'. From there we headed on over to the Big Casino. All the smart people where there as you can see by the a
accompanying pics.
Today is Billy's Godmothers birthday and for that event the Puzzler bought her an Apple I Phone and because he thought they were way cool he bought one for his birthday as well. The Puzzler sometime gets puzzled himself and in order to run that thing, he has been taking night courses at The University of I Phones, located in the American Telephone and Telegraph Building, so that he can power it up and receive phone calls. He is looking forward to the advanced course which will include Voice Mail and Photography.
The gala had all the ingredients of a great event...well everything except for the official flag. There was great food, great drinks, great music and great conversations. The ladies were dressed to the nines as were the men. Another sign of a great party is when a congo line breaks out.
Fun and Games
13 years ago
1 comment:
GREAT photos and commentary, Brucie. The evening was a great deal of fun, even if poor Billie couldn't join us. I am glad that you didn't take out the Hummer to transport Billie, because he would not have made it up the several steps at the CASINO (the Cedar Rapids Country Club, for those not in the know).
Billie's Godmother, Carol (still celebrating her birthday)
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