The mystery lady featured on this blog is usually under cover and does not get a lot of print on her own, but an occurrence recently warrants some band width dedicated to her.
The mystery lady works for an outfit in the greater Cedar Rapids area thats big in retail. She has been there since September 2005 and as of this date has never missed a day of work nor has she been late for work...that includes this winter which has had more than its share of snowy and icy roads.
Every quarter this unnamed retail giant gives out awards...there is the attendance award which she wins every quarter, Spotlight award which is all about stats and some others that are equally shrouded in mystery.
The grand daddy of them all is one they call "All Star"...only one person in the contact center can win that award. With that award come such trappings as additional employee discounts, cash, a field trip to a new store opening, your mug shot placed on the wall of fame and a rock star parking space with your name emblazed thereon.
Her boss called me recently and asked that I come to their awards recognition meeting. She told me this was big and I couldn't let on that I knew about it. I was ushered into the green room where I was hidden out of sight until the time of the award announcement. Well as they say the rest is guessed it ....All Star Award went to Audrey.....I watched as she was paraded to the dais where her knees were visibley shaking as she was given bu ku kudos from one of the suits.
The mystery lady started as a "personal shopper" and along with that duty she is also a mentor, back up Recruiter and back-up front desk receptionist. She was ranked 3rd and 4th MVP and has set a goal to be #1 MVP. she has earned 6 100%s in one month. Additionally she participated in the American Cancer Relay for Life, Project Runway and has volunteered for numerous other projects.
Mystery Lady....All Star and definitely a keeper.
Fun and Games
13 years ago
1 comment:
Please pass my congratulations on to the Mystery Lady!
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