Friday, November 9, 2007

Five Oh One

The 5:01 Club is a club consisting of anyone who wants to drink at one minute past 5 pm on a Thursday. What a novel idea. I never had to have a club to accomplish such a mission. However, in my never ending quest for thrills, I attend the meeting when possible.

To say it is loose knit would be an understatement. There are no organizers, per se and no leader...but if there would be a leader the Timmeister might be the likely candidate. After all he did go to great expense to buy a toy ball and very skillfully with a magic marker write "5:01" on the side of it. That's president material.

Tim fashions himself to be a ladies man and for all practicable purposes he may be. He is often seen with young ladies hanging on his arm half his age and he does own a BMW. No one knows for certain what he is hiding under his hat.

He rarely travels without the protection of his barrister. James is a clever legal type who hails from Boston and is able to suppress his accent. James is available to review contracts and pick up the tab for his drinks. It quite possible that James is also the chauffeur of the BMW.

Heather, the barkeep at Gringos, is his finance.

A first timer to this august group was Julia. Julia is a camera shy science fiction writer who slings cups of joe during the day. At night she likes her Margaritas!

The 5:01 club picks a different secret location each Thursday. Yesterdays event was at Gringos in downtown Cedar Rapids.
At Gringos they have little funny grilled cheese sandwiches with a name that escapes me. It could have been in another language.

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What's this all about......

This is my lame attempt at blogging and so far I have been able to add posts almost every day......will that continue?........time will tell.

If you scroll way to the bottom you will see "It's all about me" This blog is about me and my friends and my life. Most of it is true.

Some of it is tongue in cheek and some of it is outrageous.

Read the parts you like...if you find something offensive skip over it. If you have any comments, praises or criticisms, email or leave comments...I can take it.
Mr. B

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