We had a major flood in Cedar Rapids and Iowa City. I have not been to Iowa City for any first hand views of the damage, but I have been to CR (thats what the locals call Cedar Rapids) several times after the flood.
I have not had a post for a long time, mainly because I have been busy with the Schatzi project and general summer things.
I wasn't going to write about the Flood because when you are here you are inundated with major media coverage almost 24/7. But then I realized that a lot of my bloggies are not from here as demonstrated by my Stats Tracker software. Some of my faithful readers are from Bombay, India...most likely they stumbled upon my blog by searching the word Bombay..which was the poison offered up by Dr. O and her gracious assistant. A lot of my bloggies are from Florida, my second residence. I have readers from Switzerland, Landskrona Sweden, Sydney Australia, London England, and Tanzania in Africa.
Since they may not have seen all of the news accounts, I am posting some pics at this time. Most of the pics are from the aftermath and were taken as recently as yesterday. One of the twin towers surrounded by water is our condo in CR.
I will post more pictures soon.
P.S. Billy is afloat.
Fun and Games
13 years ago
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